Improve His Sperm

It doesn't matter what you as a woman do to increase your chances of conception if your partner's sperm isn't the best it can be. There are many things a man can do to increase his sperm count and improve the quality of his sperm. This is assuming there is no specific medical cause for low sperm count like varicocele. Varicocele is basically varicose veins of the scrotum. It's defined as the widening of the veins along the cord that holds up a man's testicles. Blood is prevented from flowing properly ultimately causing the veins to widen and swell. Doctors aren't sure what causes varicocele and they rarely produce signs and symptoms. Occasionally there's a feeling of heaviness or pain. It's only necessary to get tested for this problem or other male infertility problems if you and your partner are having difficulty conceiving or if he is experiencing unusual pain.

Lifestyle Changes

A man can improve the quality of his sperm by making a few simple lifestyle changes. Most of these changes, like quitting smoking, are common sense and help improve overall health as well as sperm quality and numbers. Smoking not only reduces sperm numbers but also affects sperm motility and its ability to move through the cervix, uterus and reach the fallopian tubes where an egg is waiting to be fertilized.

A regular vitamin or fertility supplement including folic acid can help a man produce healthier sperm. Supplements do not work overnight and it may take a couple of months to notice any benefits. Stop using recreational drugs. Stop steroid use. Steroids may help a man bulk up muscle-wise but they have been shown to sometimes cause testicular shrinkage. Eat well. Anemia (low iron) and malnutrition can affect the quality and numbers of sperm.

Be sure to maintain a healthy weight. Both obesity and being underweight influences the levels of testosterone and estrogen in the body ultimately affecting the body's ability to produce healthy sperm.

Heat Damage

Sperm can easily be damaged by heat so it's important to prevent overheating of the scrotum. The best ways to prevent an increase in scrotal temperature is to stay out of the Jacuzzi or sauna when trying to conceive. Tight underwear can sometimes increase scrotal temperature which is why many doctors suggest the man wear boxers instead to increase his and his partner's chance of conceiving.

Exercise and Stress

Stress can cause chemical reactions in a man's body that affect sperm production just as stress can cause problems with a woman's reproductive system. Learn to relax and manage stress in whatever way works best for you.

Moderate exercise can be a good stress reliever. It's also a good way to stay healthy. But when trying to conceive, stay away from overly intense exercise which can cause a testosterone deficiency ultimately affecting sperm quality and count.