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wantabebebelly - August 18th, 2008 11:28 PM

Okay, I'll try to be brief. We are military and can only see an IF nurse. I've been through IF treatments with my ex (all through IVF). The nurse told me to take provera, I started spotting after it, but told her it wasn't my period yet. She said it didn't matter and to start the clomid. Today was my 4th day taking it and I have a full blown AF now. She tells me now that I'll have to sit this cycle out. Does anyone know if/what the reason is to not take Clomid again in a few days as my real day 5?? I don't know if there's a reason or if she, again, doesn't really know what she's talking about. TIA

kristin.chaney - August 29th, 2008 4:07 AM

I don't really know..I know that they had to do the same thing with me..Im 21 and my body is trying to go through early menopause and Im also in the military but I have never had that problem with all that...\r\n\r\n\r\nGood luck!


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