Coping with Female Fertility Testing - Fertility Testing and Your Health

Fertility testing can be a process that is often scary and overwhelming; as such, taking care of your physical and emotional health is important in order to be able to confront the demands of fertility tests on your health. In addition, taking care of your health during fertility testing and fertility treatment can help improve the efficiency of your diagnosis as well as improve your chances of getting pregnant.


Fertility Testing and Your Body

Maintaining a healthy diet is central to your health, including your reproductive health. Consuming a well-balanced diet that features a wide variety of fruits and vegetables is crucial. For example, consuming fruits such as berries and leafy greens like broccoli and kale help maintain immune system health and reproductive health by providing you with essential vitamins and antioxidants, which ward off illnesses and infections.

In addition, consuming whole grains - breads, cereals, pasta and rice - is another important step to maintaining proper healthy while undergoing female fertility tests. Choosing low fat sources of protein, such as fish, chicken and turkey, provides you with protein and iron, while low fat dairy products like cheese and milk, provide you with calcium and vitamin D, which also help to maintain good overall health.

Exercise also plays an integral role in staying healthy during the process of fertility testing. Engaging in physical activity like walking or swimming for thirty minutes three times a week promotes good cardiovascular and reproductive health. Such a fitness routine will also help you maintain a healthy body mass index (BMI), which is integral to female fertility.

Avoiding alcohol and not smoking are also important to female fertility. Drinking can lead to such female fertility problems as anovulation (lack of ovulation), luteal phase defects (irregular ovulation) and amenorrhea (absence of menstruation). Smoking on the other hand can deplete a woman's ovarian reserve and increases the risk of miscarriage and stillbirth when pregnancy occurs.


Fertility Testing and Your Emotions

Because the process of female fertility testing can be stressful and emotional, it is important to follow some guidelines in order to cope with infertility as well as the difficulties that the fertility testing process entails.

Accept that female fertility tests will be difficult; prevent getting over-stressed or frustrated by establishing a coping mechanism, such as going for a relaxing walk or bike ride.

Also, be open with your partner about your frustrations. Confide in your partner your concerns in order to alleviate some of these concerns and to feel more in charge of your infertility testing and treatment, as well as to maintain intimacy in your relationship.